Weekly Diary of a figure painter 01/10/22

 Another slow week this week painting wise.  A lot of my time has been taken up with sales of the resin terrain, plastic bases and static grass items that I sell on both my website wdscenics.co.uk and eba.  It is surprising how much time is taken up wrapping and packing these little sales and then driving to the post office with them.  In the past I have tried printing out postage labels, getting large packages collected and dropping the smaller items in the post box at the end of our road, it didn't really save any time.  Whilst these small sales help pay the bills, I do need to look at how I can speed the wrapping, packing and posting up.

I did manage to get these Perry plastic Napoleonic French Cuirassiers painted and based.  Assembly and priming took all of Wednesday. Thursday I was limited to 3 hours painting time, only enough to make a start on the horses.  Friday I had a full day on them and managed to get them painted and ready to base.

Saturday morning saw me finish them by completing the bases.  I used Javis Autumn Mix static grass which I also sell on the website.

I think this is a super unit of heavy horse, It's currently up for sale on ebay at a great price. you can check it out here https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/175434124764

So I am aiming for a more productive week next week, I have a couple of little commission which I really must get out early next week and a box of Perry Nap French Dragoons to paint and sell.

Remember, if you are looking to get your figures painted, you can drop me a line at sales@wdmscenics.co.uk or use the contact form.  My prices start at £4.00 for 28mm foot, check out the prices page for my full price list.

Weekly Diary of a figure painter 01/10/22 Weekly Diary of a figure painter 01/10/22 Reviewed by Wild Duck Models on October 02, 2022 Rating: 5

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