We are still working on our 10mm Rapid Fire Normandy game, although trying to fit painting our own figures in between breaks in commissions and orders is a little difficult and not without its own guilt complex but we have to do it.
We have painted up a few Lancer Miniatures US GMC 2.5t trucks over the last couple of days.
We use Vallejo Russian Uniform for the Olive Green, sounds like an unusual choice I know, it is in fact pretty much a correct match, perhaps a little lighter than Vallejo olive green but at this scale works really well and stops the vehicles looking too dark or just like blobs, indeed it is a policy we follow for all figures in this scale, use a slightly lighter colour than you would for 20mm or 28mm.
Canvas tilts or covers are painted in a light khaki colour and wheels in a black/grey.
We painted the windows in Army Painter Warpaints Wolf Grey then gave the whole vehicles a thin wash of Chromacolour Raw Umber just to 'grub' the trucks up a bit,
Highlights are then added using the main colours and additional highlights with main colours plus a little white.
We have some US star decals on their way to us from Pendraken and will add them to the top of the bonnet once they get to us, in the mean time I hope you like our trucks.
We have painted up a few Lancer Miniatures US GMC 2.5t trucks over the last couple of days.
We use Vallejo Russian Uniform for the Olive Green, sounds like an unusual choice I know, it is in fact pretty much a correct match, perhaps a little lighter than Vallejo olive green but at this scale works really well and stops the vehicles looking too dark or just like blobs, indeed it is a policy we follow for all figures in this scale, use a slightly lighter colour than you would for 20mm or 28mm.
Canvas tilts or covers are painted in a light khaki colour and wheels in a black/grey.
We painted the windows in Army Painter Warpaints Wolf Grey then gave the whole vehicles a thin wash of Chromacolour Raw Umber just to 'grub' the trucks up a bit,
Highlights are then added using the main colours and additional highlights with main colours plus a little white.
We have some US star decals on their way to us from Pendraken and will add them to the top of the bonnet once they get to us, in the mean time I hope you like our trucks.
Lancer Miniatures 10mm WW2 US GMC 2.5 trucks - painted for our Normandy Game
Reviewed by Wild Duck Models
March 28, 2019
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