We were ordering some 10mm Ancients from Magister Militum for a customer the other week, so I took the opportunity to add a platoon of five Panzer lV Ausf. H to the shopping cart for our Normandy game. The order promptly arrive last week and I have just found the time to paint them this evening.
Panzer lV platoon
I chose a simple camouflage pattern suitable for Normandy to facilitate speedy completion, and used the following paints Vallejo Desert Yellow and Light Rust along with Army Painter Warpaints Elf Green, also Necromancer Cloak for road wheels and tracks.
Rear veiw of all 5 |
Once the camo was dry I gave them all a wash of Raw Umber paint to 'dirty' them up a bit.
A closer shot of just two |
To speed up drying I place them on the radiator in the painting room remembering not to knock any for fear of them dropping down the back of said radiator.
Closer shot of rear of tanks |
Once the wash was dry, I added a few highlights with the main three colours plus a little white added.
front view this time |
I have never ordered 10mm tanks from Magister Militum before, all in all, I am really happy with the vehicles and the ease they painted up, about 2 hours work to get them finished bar a coat of matt varnish.
We now have German Armour comprising 6 Stug lll's and 5 Pzr IV's, time to turn my attention to some Allied (US) armour next for our Rapid Fire Normandy battle.
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