I received some restocks this morning, mostly plastic bases but also some resin barrels for 28/30mm figures, they are super for playing games skirmish games such a Pulp Alley or Songs of Blades and Hero's as well as tabletop RPG's and dungeon crawls using minis. I quickly painted four up as example of what they look, being resin they can be painted using any hobby paints, I used Army Painter acrylics and inks.
I places a frostgrave figure behind them to give an indication of their size. You can check them out on my online store click here for linkIn addition to the barrels I restocked 20mm square slotta, 25mm square lipped, 25x50mm slotta bases.
These are now on the online shop as well and are good, fast sellers for me.
Once I had the restocks sorted out it was back to painting, I made a start on 24 Lancer Miniatures ECW Royalist Cavalry, I have only managed to prep them and paint the horses brown, swords silver and faces in a skin tone, these are to form part of a nice little army I am putting together, once done there will be 48 cavalry, 12 mounted dragoons, 10 dismounted dragoons, 6 artillery guns and crews and 190 Infantry.
Although not a commission, the Royalist army will be put up for sale once all the figures are painted, based and standards are attached, anyone interested in them I am happy for you to contact me.
Then I have some orders for painted resin WW2 terrain items, so I thought I better make a start with those,
I got as far as undercoating them and adding the first layer of brown acrylic, they should be ready to send out early next week.
Tomorrow is another Post Office run and I have a few little orders to wrap and pack before I finish tonight, only 4 or 5 but thats okay, mostly plastic bases and some of the barrels that have just arrived, (its good to see them sell quickly).
I am hoping sales will improve and I can keep busy with commissions even though living costs are rapidly rising, micro businesses like mine where you are trying to make a living from a hobby are usually the first to feel the effects as people cut back but with hard work I should be fine.
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