Diary of a figure painter 2 - 11/02/22

 Today has been one of those days when nothing seems to have gone smoothly.

Friday is Post Office run day, I combine a it with a trip to the Supermarket for the weekly shop, a round trip of 16 miles and it takes up most of Friday morning.

I had 7 parcels to pack, most were my ever popular plastic bases but there was some 28mm resin barrels and a commission of 10mm Kallistra AWI British Light Dragoons finished and ready to send back.

My old camper van is back on the road, so we put the dog on the bed in the back of the van and headed into town.
Unexpectedly, the Post Office was closed, worryingly, it looked like the toughened glass on the main doors had been smashed in, I don't know what had exactly taken place, I can only guess that there had been a break in or attempted break in, whatever the issue I just hoped the staff were okay, my packages would just have to wait to get sent on their way.

It was lunch time when we arrived home to discover our deliver of firewood had been dropped off near the back gate, by the time I got all that put away and then had some food and a cuppa, the morning had turned into early afternoon.

I have spent most of this afternoon working on a big resin Normandy Strongpoint, these are amazing pieces of 

terrain from Lancer Miniatures, I got the base coats put on and it will be finished (washes and flock) over the weekend ready to be shipped out to my customer on Monday.

I have been working off and on, (well mostly off), on a box of Perry Miniatures Plastic Austrian Hussars, they are not a commission, I just thought it would be fun to paint them.  They were assembled a couple of months ago and have sat on my workbench since, I have the horses painted and as I had gone as far this afternoon with the Strongpoint as I could, I decided to put a little bit of paint on them, this is where I came across the second issue of the day.
I had not read the instructions when I assembled the horses and stuck the wrong heads on 7 of them.  For reasons probably to do with mould making and ease of manufacturing or such like, the set comes with two different horses heads, the hussars need the ones with bridal that has X straps, I didn't notice that and just stuck any old head on.  I have now had to remove 7 heads so as to replace them with the correct heads, except for some reason I have only 6 correct heads left so I will need to use green stuff to add X straps to one head, happy days.

Wrong heads removed, thankfully these figures are not for a commission

Its now 3:45pm and I have just received a little commission for some more WW2 British Paras and Bren Carriers (20mm Britannia Miniatures), so with that small positive I think I will end my work day and I can make up the lost time tomorrow, now I am going to feed and walk our hound then a curry and beer.

Another day in the exciting world of Wild Duck.

Diary of a figure painter 2 - 11/02/22 Diary of a figure painter 2 - 11/02/22 Reviewed by Wild Duck Models on February 11, 2022 Rating: 5

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