Lancer Miniatures 10mm Beastheard.

 I have had these super little miniatures sat in my 'to paint' pile for about 4 years. The plan was to use them in a 'Elric of Melnibone' campaign. I painted up some Irregular Miniatures Elves as Melnibone troops and then commissions and lots of work other stuff got in the way. In the end I sold the Elves and the other minis got put in the to do pile.

I did paint a few of the Beastheard, about 60 I think, but that was as far as I got with them until this year when I finally painted the remaining 170.

Today the bases (40mm square mdf) for them arrived and I spent some time this afternoon basing the first 80.

Am I happy with the result? You bet. These are super little minis and I cannot wait to get the remaining 160 (yes, I will soon have 240 of them) based and on the table.  

I now regret selling the elves as I have no one for them to fight, I feel another order for elves going into Irregulat Miniatures, or maybe Pendraken, soon.

Lancer Miniatures 10mm Beastheard. Lancer Miniatures 10mm Beastheard. Reviewed by Wild Duck Models on April 29, 2023 Rating: 5

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