Over the last few months I have been asked to paint up a good number of 20mm vehicles for the Western Desert campaign. All the miniatures have been from Grubby Tanks Britannia Miniatures range.
These four Opel Blitz trucks were a joy to paint and turned out really well. I was in two minds as to what colour to paint the tilt, in the end I went for a very bleached look working on the principal that the desert sun would very quickly fade any canvas.
Also just painted, these 20mm Panzer III's, also from Britannia Miniatures.
Panzer III's are one of my favourite tanks of WW2 and I think these models do them real justice. Again, super easy and a real joy to paint.
In both cases I kept the painting very simple. Undercoat black then I simply sprayed them Army Painter (AP) Desert Yellow. Tracks and tyres are AP Necromancers Cloak. For the Opel Blitz Tilts I used AP Banshee Brown. Everything then gets a wash of Winsor & Newton acrylic Raw Umber before being dry brushed using Vallejo Iraqi Sand. Finally the Opel Blitz tilts get dry brushed with more AP Banshee Brown. That's about it.
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