20mm HQ Bunker from Lancer Miniatures

 I ordered up a few resin terrain items from Lancer Miniatures a couple of weeks back. All are 20mm and suitable for WW2 gaming, maybe even Korean War as well.

The HQ bunker and trench is a super little item and really simple to paint up.

I undercoated this one black using Daler Rowney black gesso. Once that had dried I gave it a coat of raw umber which is a good earthy colour.

Sand bags were then painted in a suitable sand colour. Vallejo Iraqi Sand works well and I used it for the wood as well. The entrance to the bunker has a curtain for a door, I just dry brushed some light grey over it, seems fine at that.

Sand bags and timber then get a wash of Army Painter Strong Tone Ink. When that is dry, I dry brush the earth with yellow ochre then a highlight with buff titanium, (The burnt umber, yellow ochre and buff titanium are all tubes of artist acrylics).  

Finally, I applied a little sprinkling of Javis mid green fine turf. And thsts it, the HQ bunker is ready to grace the gaming table.

20mm HQ Bunker from Lancer Miniatures 20mm HQ Bunker from Lancer Miniatures Reviewed by Wild Duck Models on May 12, 2023 Rating: 5

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