Diary of a figure painter 3 - 12/02/22

 I awoke this morning to the news that a customer in the US had contacted me with a commission to paint a number of Redoubt 28mm ACW Infantry.  I have to say I was chuffed to bits with this commission, I love Redoubts ACW range, they are such characterful minis and whilst they can be a little bit of a paint to clean up, once painted and based they are stunning.  Redoubt are now owned by Grubby Tanks who also owns Britannia Miniatures, and that makes ordering simpler as well, especially as I received a small commission yesterday for Britannia British Airborne figures, all fits in well.

After yesterdays issues with sending out my parcels and the post office being closed, I finally got them in the post, it took me a good hour this morning printing out postage labels from the Royal Mail website and sellotaping's them onto the packages before walking to the post box with them, thankfully they all nicely fit into the post box so they should be with customers by Tuesday next week.  I really am going to have to look at how I dispatch things, I must have spent a good 9 hours this week just wrapping, packing and going to the post office, for just 14 parcels that seems a lot of man hours.

Painting wise, not been as productive as I had hoped for today, I have progressed the large Normandy Strongpoint, added the first sand colour to it, taken 5 hours for that paint to dry, its now going to get a wash of Raw Umber to 'dirty' it up a bit, that will take all night to properly dry then I can finish the model tomorrow with highlights and static grass, I have the steel doors to paint as well but it will be booked in for pick up by courier Monday.

Also worked on my 10mm ECW cavalry, although not a commission, this is part of a 10mm Royalist army which will be putting up for sale when its complete, I am using Lancer Miniatures 10mm figures and just received a message from Lancer this morning to say that the last of the figures I needed to complete the army are in the post, so I really need to get going with these figures, I still have a lot to do and these cavalry are far from complete but,

 that's going to be about it for today work wise, I now have some homemade baguettes to get in the oven and then I am making Tortelli Mugellani al Ragu for tonight's meal and I am guessing after that and a glass of red wine I may not be up to much bar walking the dog and spending the evening in front of the fire, happy days. 

Diary of a figure painter 3 - 12/02/22 Diary of a figure painter 3 - 12/02/22 Reviewed by Wild Duck Models on February 12, 2022 Rating: 5

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