Sunday, a really quiet day today, nothing going on at all, no sales or commission enquiries, that's unusual, somebody usually wants something even if its just a few plastic bases. Still, its only 10 past 3 in the afternoon, there is still time for an order or two.
I didn't get started until 10am today, I have managed to get a bit done though, I painted the steel doors and the wood on the Normandy strongpoint, then I gave it a heavy wash with Raw Umber acrylic paint. Its currently very wet with that wash and doesn't look much different from yesterday, so no photos, it will be finished tomorrow, so loads of photos tomorrow.
I also finished 24 10mm Lancer Miniatures ECW cavalry for the Royalist force I am putting together.
They are painted and I have just varnished them, that needs to be completely dry before I am able to base them, I will either do that tonight or tomorrow. This army will be put up for sale once its finished so if anyone is interested in acquiring a Royalist Army (48 cav, 12 mounted dragoons, 10 dismounted dragoons, 190 Infantry, 6 guns and crew plus two commanders and a dog), email me for a price, now's the time to get them as I can paint them and base them to your requirements,
I also need to place and order for 28mm ACW figures and 20mm WW2 British Airborne with Grubby Tanks, if I get them ordered up now hopefully they will be with me soon although I have a few small commission to paint which hopefully I can get finished and in the post before the next batch arrives.
So that's about it for Sunday 13th, I now have a dog to feed and walk in the rain, then I will make a meal for the humans, if there is nothing much else going on I may spend an hour or two this evening playing my favourite RPG, Beyond the Wall and Other Adventures, happy days.
Diary of a figure painter 4 - 13/02/22
Reviewed by Wild Duck Models
February 13, 2022
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