Monday and I suppose its officially the start of a work week, not that work ever seems to stop, even at weekends there are commissions to finish or orders to pack up ready to send out, I shouldn't complain though.
I did get a reasonable start this morning, finally got the big Normandy Strongpoint ready to send out
it now needs boxing up and then booked in with the courier, should be at it destination by Thursday or Friday, it will be really good to see it go out of the door.
I also got the 24 10mm ECW cavalry glues onto bases, I still need to finish them with sand and flock which I will do later tonight but otherwise they are done.
I think these cavalry look fine, I do now know that they are not a popular choice for ECW cavalry with some Facebook 10mm peoples but I kinda like them and will press on with the rest, let me know what you think of them, are they too your liking or do you prefer ECW 10mm from another manufacture?
Now though, its time to press on with commissions, I have two 20mm WW2 jobs I need to get finished and out this week, one is for German Mountain Troops, the second for German Afrika Korps,
I have made a start on the mountain troops, I think there are about 40 of these Britannia figures to paint and a similar number of DAK troops, I hope to have them done and ready to post out by Friday.
So I feel like I have made more progress today, just missing a few sales from, I will have to push my website shop a bit harder, I have some excellent items on there at great prices, please take a look, it costs nothing to browse and you may see something of interest to you, happy days :)
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