Diary of a figure painter 7 - 16/02/22

 This is going to be a quick diary entry as I need to eat.

I managed to get the German Mountain Troops painted but I still have them to varnish and base. 

Its possible that as I varnish them and work on the bases I may spot areas that need touching up, you know, the bits that I was a little erratic with my brushwork and didn't spot, hopefully not to many errors and I can quickly get them ready to send out.

I also want to make a start tonight on the German Afrika Korps commission, if I can get them coated in black primer that will be a great start and they should be ready to post out Monday next week/

There are a few bags to go at but I think there are only about 40 figures, possibly a few more, still, DAK uniforms are fairly easy to paint so I should not take too long getting these done.

There was no Post Office run today, I had a couple of small orders to post but they happily went in the post box at the end of the road, although I would have liked to see more orders come in than just two, it did save me an hour or two not having to go to the post office meaning I got more figures painted.

And thats about it for today, time to make something to eat, Happy Days!

Diary of a figure painter 7 - 16/02/22 Diary of a figure painter 7 - 16/02/22 Reviewed by Wild Duck Models on February 16, 2022 Rating: 5

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