I have now painted up the last 10 beastherd to complete my little army and based the last unit of 80 figures. I am so happy to finally have these battle ready.
The final count is 240 beastherd in 3 units of 80 figures, 10 x 40mm square bases per unit.
A command stand with a Shaman and Doombull on it. 8 Chaos Hounds and a Centigor.
All the figures are from Lancer Miniatures. They are super easy to paint up. Most I just sprayed in a flesh tone and then block painted details in. A wash of Army Painter Strong Tone then highlights finished the job. I did spend a little more time on the Shaman and the Doombull.
At this scale and viewing at gaming distance from the table you are not going to notice detail on the rank and file, even so I do think highlights help with the overall look.
With this project complete its back to commissions and my 10mm WW2 project.
10mm Beastherd army finished.
Reviewed by Wild Duck Models
May 11, 2023

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