I picked up a lot of really cool dungeon terrain from Legend Games. Its been sitting around in a box for quite a while so I thought I should make an effort to get some of it painted.
I made a start with this fantastic Necromancers bookcase. Undercoated in black, Burnt Umber was used for the dark wood and the books picked out in various colours. I kept most of the books in very muted colours and picked out a few in red and light brown. The bookcase base was painted in grey and then given a black wash.
The floor tile is really simple. I cut two 4 inch square tiles from corrugated cardboard and glued them together. The top was painted grey, then brown and lighter grey was stippled on. 1 inch squares were painted in with a dark grey which was also used to create a few cracks in the tiles.
As I did not have a necromancer mini, I used this Reaper mini to give an idea of the size of the bookcase.
More dungeon stuff to come. Keep watching.
Making a start on my dungeon terrain
Reviewed by Wild Duck Models
February 06, 2024

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